About me

I’m Kuan-I Gary Chung (鍾冠毅, jhōng guàn yì). I am a PhD student in Computer Science at Vanderbilt University, advised by Prof. Daniel Moyer. I am also a student affiliate at Vanderbilt Istitute for Surgery and Engineering (VISE). I am interested in probabilistic model and machine learing application in medical imaging.

Prior to my PhD position, I was a senior engineer at Wistron, working on ML application in industry and medical imaging. I was also a visitin researcher at MIT CSAIL, working with Prof. John Guttag, Prof. Adrian Dalca, and CAML Lab. Before my career at Wistron, I completed my BS(2016) and MS(2018) in Applied Mathematics at National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, advised by Prof. Mong-Na Lo Huang.

Check out my CV for more about me!


  • Aug. 2023 I moved to Nashville, TN for studying PhD.
  • May. 2023 I married Elsie!